Sexual changes can be normal over time, but no man wants to see a decline in his sexual performance or sex drive. The experts at Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL can help you boost your sex drive, improve your sexual performance, and promote male enhancement using the revolutionary P-shot. The P-Shot Can Be Your […]
P-Shot for Prevention of Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is something every man would prefer to avoid, but it’s distressingly common. It’s a condition that becomes more common with age, but the bad news is that it’s been striking American men younger and younger. The National Institutes of Health now reports that an estimated 15 to 30 million Americans suffer from chronic […]
P-Shot for Erectile Dysfunction: How Does It Work?
Erectile dysfunction isn’t something a lot of men feel comfortable discussing. Yet it’s a common issue and nothing to be ashamed of. The possibility of ED becomes greater with age, but even younger men are suffering from this condition in greater numbers than ever. Effective treatment does exist, and it’s not best found in a […]
The Power of the P-Shot
If you are one of the many men who would like to revitalize their performance in the bedroom, consider the P-Shot. This amazing treatment uses your own platelet-rich plasma. It is completely non-surgical and does not involve prescription medications. Not only is it a great way to treat erectile dysfunction and Peyronie’s disease, but it […]
Try the P-Shot with Regenerative Medicine for Improved Men’s Sexual Health
The P-Shot with regenerative medicine offers men a long-lasting improvement in their sexual performance and helps with sensation, healing and circulation. The procedure uses the blood of the patient for the extraction of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in addition to regenerative medicine that are obtained from the Wharton’s Jelly of the umbilical cord. The treatment does […]
Who Is a Candidate for the P-Shot?
Being happy with your performance in the bedroom is an important part of life for many men. The fact is, many men would like to address some issue in that area. Up to 30 million American men are dealing with some form or erectile dysfunction. Surgery is an option, but many men find it to […]