There are many benefits to a man’s healthy sex life. It’s linked to wellness, emotionally and physically, and is crucial to forming connections and nurturing loving relationships. But with time, it’s common for men to experience diminishing sexual functions due to factors like age and lifestyle. Whether this is erectile dysfunction (ED) or just general sexual problems, it can be upsetting and frustrating to manage. But now there’s the P Shot for ED: a revolutionary solution that we offer here at Orchidea Med Spa in Calgary, AB.
What Is the P Shot for ED?
The P Shot, which stands for the Priapus Shot, is an FDA-approved, non-invasive treatment for ED or other sexual dysfunctions. Treatment can offer longer-lasting, larger erections that patients find occur more frequently. It does this using a concentrate of the patient’s blood called platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which is extracted from a blood sample. It’s then injected into the penis via the head and shaft. The PRP immediately gets to work stimulating the growth of new tissues and revitalizing the penis.
Patients have appreciated that the experience is simple and virtually pain-free. They also value that the treatment, in using their own plasma as a key ingredient, is natural and free from synthetic products that might be found in other available remedies. The whole process takes about twenty minutes. No recovery period is required, meaning patients can carry on with their days and even drive themselves to and from sessions. The results are almost immediate for many men, while optimal results can be seen and felt after around 2-3 months.
What Makes the P Shot for ED a Better Option Than Others?
The P Shot goes to the source of ED, repairing the penis with naturally occurring PRP and offering a far more effective solution than other treatments available. The alternatives often only provide a short-term, “bandaid” solution. Many medications only afford temporary solutions and can be hard to control. Often they won’t last long enough or won’t be effective at the right moment. They also carry a risk of side effects and can quickly become expensive: higher-dose pills cost around ten dollars each.
Surgery is also an option for treating ED. One surgical technique involves reconstructing the arteries so that blood flows more frequently into the penis, but blocking other veins so it’s slower to leave. Another requires implanting the penis with a prosthetic device to aid with erections. Both are widely considered dramatic, “only hope” options. These invasive procedures also require time off work for recovery and risk reactions to anesthesia.
However, the P Shot is non-invasive and can produce near-immediate results, with many patients even results the same night as their session, whilst still providing all the benefits of surgical and oral treatments.
Who Is a Good Candidate for This Treatment?
ED and decreased sexual performance aren’t just a product of getting older. Lifestyle and emotional wellbeing play a huge part in a man’s ability to function sexually. Prostate health, alcohol consumption, and smoking can lead to ED, as can stress, anxiety, and self-doubt. It’s also worth noting that men who don’t have the traditional ED symptoms may still be right for this treatment.
If you have diabetes, are on testosterone replacements, or have another pre-existing condition, you may not be suitable for treatment and we can recommend some alternative remedies. Otherwise, if you’re over 18, we suggest coming in for a consultation if any of the following situations are applicable to you.
Your Performance Isn’t What It Used To Be
It’s common for our bodies and their functions to slow as we get older. Regardless of how healthy a lifestyle one maintains, our respiratory systems and blood flow do decelerate due to age. This isn’t to say men who experience this can’t get and maintain erections. But perhaps the experience is shorter, or more inconsistent.
For many, it’s common to find your libido diminished compared to your younger days. These issues can lead to performance anxiety, which can further impede one’s sex life. Your mental state depends on your physical state and vice versa. But in regaining stamina and vitality with the P shot, you can also rebuild your confidence.
You’re Having Trouble Starting
One of the most common symptoms of ED is difficulty developing an erection. Sometimes, regardless of the situation, it can just be hard to get started. For that reason, pills have become a popular solution. They can usually produce one regardless of the conditions. But physically, erections are about blood flow and healthy tissue in the penis, which a pill can’t create. Yes, they’re effective, but the results are completely manufactured, hence why they only last for a few hours.
You Can’t Maintain Your Erection
Longevity and staying firm can be problem areas for a lot of men as much as getting started can be. Often the cause is as simple as poor blood flow. It can take a mental toll as one spends the entire time that they’re performing worried about if and when they’ll stop.
Your Performance Issues Are Leading to Relationship Issues
Sex is so personal and vulnerable that when performance issues arise, it can be incredibly damaging to the relationship it’s taking place inside. Questions of who’s to blame or what could be done differently come up, as well as feelings of confusion or even shame.
There’s also a loss of spontaneity that comes with ED. Arousal starts in the heart and brain, followed by the genitals. If the genitals can’t keep up, it can kill a moment. And planning your sex life around when you’ve taken a pill does little to reignite that spark. But if the issue is just a very fixable matter of blood flow, then there’s no reason to let this issue blow out another moment. Your relationship and partner are too important.
You’re Depending on Drugs
If you’ve suffered from ED for some time, you may find you heavily rely on pills that assist with erections. These pills often cause light-headedness and headaches as side effects, which aren’t exactly the cornerstones of vibrant sex. Not only that, but constantly taking ED pills may result in you not being able to perform without first taking them. The P Shot, in providing a natural solution to ED, can quell your dependency on these pills.
Why Should I Get Treatment?
Patients who have received the P Shot have reported better erections that last longer and are firmer and bigger. Greater libido and overall better sex, in part thanks to increased sensitivity, are additional benefits. These benefits can do wonders psychologically, restoring confidence and rejuvenating relationships.
Being able to enjoy sex on your schedule and not worry about how long it will last is can greatly lift the emotional toll that ED may have been taking. Plus, knowing that the results are being produced naturally in your own body thanks to your own plasma is a great confidence booster – it’s all you.
Other Things To Know
- This is not a painful shot and uses an effective numbing cream so you don’t experience any discomfort. At most, you’ll experience some pressure during the treatment.
- Many patients see optimal results after one session, while others might require a second. Those who need two usually leave about three months between their sessions.
- You’ll likely experience some results right away and will be able to enjoy sexual activity again that night. The full results, however, will continue to develop as your body rebuilds new tissue in your penis.
Schedule a Consultation Today
We know the value of a healthy sex life. When you get the P Shot for ED, you can say goodbye to diminishing sexual functions and rejuvenate your body, relationship, and emotional wellbeing. If you’re interested in learning more, schedule a consultation today at Orchidea Med Spa in Calgary, AB.