At Orchidia Medical Group we want everyone to feel confident and satisfied in every area of their lives–including their sex life. Men who are feeling a lack of confidence should definitely consider GAINSWave, a revolutionary treatment that can enhance their sexual health and wellness. It really works; and it works quickly.
How Fast Do You Get Results From GAINSWave?
Most men will see their first results after their very first session. It’s actually common for men to have spontaneous erections on the first day after treatment. This is because blood circulation has already been improved, even after a single session.
Even better, you will continue to see growing results for the next 4 to 6 weeks. These results include longer-lasting erections and a decreased refractory period. The number of sessions you need for your whole treatment with GAINSWave will depend on your unique situation; however, your results will improve with each session.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Exactly Is GAINSWave?
This treatment uses soundwaves of high frequency and low intensity to remove arterial plaque from the blood vessels of the penis. This clears the way for blood to flow freely and stimulates the growth of new blood vessels. This is a comfortable, effective treatment that is safe at the same time.
It’s used to reverse erectile dysfunction issues when they are caused by a lack of blood flow to the penis. Most people will need between six and twelve sessions to get their final results, but this is a customizable treatment. We’ll help you decide on the number of treatments that are right for you.
What Can I Expect From Treatment?
This is a simple, painless treatment that only takes about 15 to 20 minutes. In just a few sessions, the treatment promotes better blood flow and the release of growth factors in your tissues. These growth factors cause the growth of healthy blood vessels.
At the same time, plaque is broken up and dormant stem cells are stimulated. In essence, treatment will give you healthier old blood vessels and, at the same time, will spur your body on to begin growing new blood vessels. As a result, you experience more blood flow and stronger, more sustainable erections.
What Are the Advantages of This Treatment?
ED is not an unusual problem, and there are many options for treatment. However, this therapy is one of the best for sexual performance and satisfaction. There are some good reasons why both doctors and patients appreciate this therapy:
- It is completely non-invasive
- It requires no drugs or surgeries
- It has no side effects
- It only takes about 20 minutes
- It doesn’t require you to visit the hospital
- It has long-lasting results
- It has no long recovery period
- It addresses ED at the root cause
- It can improve the sexual performance of any man
How Long Do the Results of This GAINSWave Treatment Last?
There are many reasons to love this treatment, including the comfort and speed of treatment. But perhaps the most significant benefit is the long-lasting results. In just 6 to 12 treatment sessions, you could see real, significant change that lasts up to 3 years.
Considering that treatment only takes about 20 minutes, that means 1.5 to 4 hours of your time could buy you 3 whole years of a healthier, more satisfying sex life. We think you’d agree that’s a great investment of your time.
Am I a Good Candidate For GAINSWave?
GAINSWave works by overcoming inadequate blood flow. About 80% of the ED cases in the United States are caused by inadequate blood flow. This means there’s a very good chance that this treatment will work for you (and for most of the 30 million American men who suffer from ED).
However, you don’t have to actually have officially diagnosed erectile dysfunction to see a benefit from this treatment. Treatment improves blood flow for everyone. If you want stronger erections that last longer, there’s no reason not to give this treatment a try.
I Have Peyronie’s Disease: Can This Help?
Peyronie’s disease manifests as scar tissue that forms in the tissues just under the skin of the penis. As the scar tissue grows, it interferes with blood flow and can alter the appearance of the penis when erect. It can make sex painful, too. It can even become impossible to have sex, either because of self-consciousness or pain–or both.
In many cases, these symptoms will not resolve themselves. If you’ve been diagnosed with this disease or are worried that you have it, come see us for a consultation. There is definitely a chance that this therapy could help you.
Signs and Symptoms of Peyronie’s
The signs of this disease and its symptoms can vary from man to man. Some men have acute trauma that brings on the symptoms very quickly. For other men, chronic trauma causes symptoms to develop slowly over a long period. For still others, genetics and other illnesses can be a factor.
Regardless of how quickly your symptoms develop, you can expect to notice some or all of these symptoms:
- Misshapen penis
- Penis pain
- Scar tissue build-up
- Penis shortening
- Significant bend in the penis
- Erectile dysfunction
Will This Help With Age-Related Changes?
Most men experience sexual maturity in puberty, and in early adulthood, a man’s sexual capacity is at its peak. According to studies published by the British Journal of Urology, nearly all men experience their ultimate sexual satisfaction in their 20s.
This should come as no surprise to most men, and it makes evolutionary sense, as well. It is around this time that most of us consider starting a family, and this is the perfect time for both men and women to be primed for procreation. However, after this peak, our sexual prowess and satisfaction begin to decline.
Natural Changes
Most men begin to see the first step down in their physical capabilities at around age 30. Some will also notice less interest in sex at around the same time. In addition to the natural effects of aging, the busyness of life, family pressures, and the demands of a career can all serve to lower the sex drive and result in an inconsistent performance.
How Treatment Can Help
Problems in the bedroom can become a downward spiral that seems to have no end. Whether issues start with injury, illness, stress, natural aging, or any other factor, lack of interest can affect performance and vice versa. The result is a lack of confidence.
And that’s where this treatment can help. By improving blood flow, this treatment can give you back the stronger, more effortless erections you remember from your youth. This, in turn, increases your confidence and satisfaction. This effect is a spiral, too: only now the spiral is up instead of down, leading to better sexual health and a more satisfying sex life.
What About Other Treatments?
While there are alternatives to this treatment, most can’t offer the kind of benefits you get with GAINSWave. Consider some of the less attractive options:
These pills are the most common treatment for ED, but they come with myriad side effects and risks. Common side effects include:
- Elevated pulse
- Chest pain
- Dizziness
- Nausea or vomiting
- Heart palpitations
- Fluid retention
- Headache
- Flushing
- Excessive hair growth
In addition, you have to carefully time sex around when you take these, which means you can’t be as spontaneous as you’d like to be. This doesn’t help if you’re already having some confidence issues! Even worse, there are all kinds of conditions and times when you can’t take a vasodilator, such as before certain medical procedures or if you suffer from low blood pressure.
Some men have prescribed implants for their ED, and while these can work, they also come with serious side effects. These rods can also change the look of the penis in ways that are hard on your self-confidence. Some other side effects include:
- Risk of infection
- Interference with alternative treatments
- No change in girth
- Risk of constant erection
- Possible erosion through the skin
- Possible pain
- Difficulty in concealment
Some men get inflatable implants, and while these come with fewer side effects than rigid implants, they only work for a few years before they require an invasive medical procedure to remove the old implant and put in a new one. This comes with significant expense. And even inflatable implants can malfunction, cause pain, and put you at risk for infection.
Diet and Exercise
Diet and exercise can help with ED, there is no question. There is also no question that a healthy diet and regular exercise are good for you in every way. However, diet and exercise alone may not be enough to fix erectile dysfunction. This may especially be true if your ED has been caused by acute or chronic trauma or by age.
Are There Any Alternatives That Work?
Yes! We also offer the P-shot with PRP and regenerative medicine. The P-shot is a non-surgical way to reduce the effects of ED and promote better sexual health. The P-shot uses your body’s own healing power to encourage natural tissue growth. It can help your body to repair blood flow and grow new, healthy blood vessels.
The best way to know which treatment will work for you is to come talk to us. We can go over your concerns in a completely confidential environment. We’ll consider your health history, your goals and needs, and help you decide on the best way to enhance your performance and get back the satisfying sex life you deserve.
What Is the Success Rate?
This therapy is relatively new in the United States, but it has been used in Europe for almost 20 years. 30 clinical studies have shown a success rate of greater than 75% using this therapy. Since 80% of ED in men involves issues with blood flow, this is one of the smartest therapies to try. It’s painless, non-invasive, and works for most men.
Are There Any Drawbacks to GAINSWave Treatment?
In the 20 years this treatment has been used in Europe, there have been no reports of any negative consequences to this therapy. This is a safe and comfortable treatment. It also does not come with the side effects that plague those who use conventional treatment for ED, like medications.
Get Started Today
You can’t stop the aging process, and if you’ve been injured, you can’t exactly go back in time and change things! Pills come with side effects, implants have risks, and a healthy diet and exercise can only do so much. If you want to address the root cause of poor blood flow and take back the kind of satisfaction in the bedroom you used to enjoy, get in touch with us today at Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL.