Sharing special times with the person you care about the most is crucial. Hugging one another each morning, holding hands when you walk down the street, and sharing your bed are all expressions of the way you feel about someone, with every couple having their ways of showing that they love one another. When something like this gets taken away, it can make life incredibly difficult. Erectile dysfunction can make it hard to enjoy your most intimate times together, with a lot of relationships struggling thanks to this condition, but we’re going to show you how you can overcome it once and for all.
What is It?
As a condition, erectile dysfunction is relatively simple; a male will struggle to get or maintain an erection. The impact this can have on your life is far more complicated, though, with a lot of people feeling shame, embarrassment, and even guilt over something which they have nearly no control over. Alongside this, when a man doesn’t work to solve this issue, it can lead to long gaps in intimacy which will put stress on the relationship, ultimately making it even harder to talk about the subject. Around 5% of men above the age of 40 suffer from complete erectile dysfunction, making it worth looking for a solution.
What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?
Like a lot of different medical conditions, erectile dysfunction has a range of common causes, all of which can be avoided when you take the right steps. Making changes to your lifestyle can often be all you need, though some people also need to undergo unique treatments to get themselves back on the right track. You can find some examples of the causes of erectile dysfunction below.
Stress/Anxiety: Sex is usually associated with relieving stress, rather than being halted by it. In reality, though, background stress is by far the most common cause of erectile dysfunction, especially in younger men. Whether it’s your job or personal life which is working you up, it is worth getting to the bottom of this, as stress which is bad enough to impact on your erections could be causing other damage.
Tiredness: It can be hard enough to make yourself feel passionate when you haven’t had enough sleep before you add the extra challenge which comes with erectile dysfunction. Failing to get enough sleep each night is a quick way to cause problems with this part of your body. Much like stress, being tired will make it near impossible to maintain an erection, and these two factors often go hand in hand.
Drinking/Smoking: Most people have heard the term “brewers droop” before. This refers to the harmful impact drinking can have on this part of your body, with those who drink each day being far more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction. Likewise, research has shown that smoking can also be a cause of this condition, though the impact of this is usually felt over a much longer-term basis.
Hormone Imbalance: From the day you are born, your body has to work hard to maintain the correct balance of chemicals inside it, and even the smallest changes can have a significant impact. This sort of issue is nice and easy to treat but isn’t something you could diagnose for yourself, leaving it to the doctor to figure this one out. Not having enough testosterone doesn’t mean that you’re less of a man; your body is merely unique.
Side-Effects: It’s quite common for erectile dysfunction to come along with other conditions, with people blaming their new ailment on the issues which they already suffer. More often than not, though, it will be a side-effect of the treatment you’re undergoing, and not the condition itself, which will be making your special times into a challenge. This makes it worth talking to your doctor if you notice any changes when you start a new treatment.
Medical Conditions: There is a range of medical conditions which can impact your ability to maintain an erection, including, but not limited to, diabetes, high blood pressure, and Parkinson’s. This doesn’t mean that everyone who suffers from a condition like this will also have erectile dysfunction, but it could explain why you’re not able to perform quite like you used to be able to.
Age: Finally, as the ultimate cause of erectile dysfunction to consider, it’s time to think about age. In most cases, age will be the catalyst for many of the causes above, making into an issue which all men have to think about. Your body doesn’t last forever, and it will show the signs of its age uniquely. Some men can maintain an erection at 80, while others will start to struggle in their 30s, though it doesn’t have to be a real problem for anyone.
How Can It Be Made Better?
The emotion impact which erectile dysfunction can have is often severe. Sparking depression, stress, and conflict within relationships, it’s always worth working on getting something like this resolved, and this is before you think about the hit your confidence might take if you find yourself struggling in bed. There are three different routes which can be considered when you’re solving something like this, and you can find examples of them below.
Lifestyle Changes: In most cases of erectile dysfunction, the best solution to work towards will be simple lifestyle changes. Drinking less alcohol is one of the most comfortable places to start, with a lot of heavy drinkers seeing the impact which this can have almost immediately. Alongside this, stopping smoking, eating a better diet, and reducing the stress you feel daily can all put you on the right track, improving your erections and making time in bed all the easier. It isn’t easy to change the way you live, especially if it’s been established for a long time. If you need help with this, psychologists will often be able to offer advice which will help you to alter your habits.
Going To The Doctor: Most hospitals around the world have the tools required to get to the bottom of your erectile dysfunction. It can be hard to bring yourself to take a step like this, with a lot of people finding it embarrassing to talk to a doctor about issues regarding their most intimate areas. These professionals have spent their careers dealing with painful medical conditions, though, and will know how to manage your case without making you feel bad about it. You can book an appointment for this sort of check-up in the same way as you’d schedule any other.
Long-Term Treatments: While going to a doctor is a smart move, the treatments which they will provide to their patients are often expensive, have to be taken very regularly, and will have a range of other side-effects. Treatments like Gainswave take a different route, having you go to their treatment centers for regular sessions over six months or a year. The results from each visit will last for months, saving you the inconvenience of taking tablets each day, while also making it easier to forget about your condition. Going with a business which has dedicated itself to solve erectile dysfunction is a great way to make some improvements, with the results of their work enabling people of all ages to regain their vitality.
Living With Erectile Dysfunction
Living with something like erectile dysfunction can put a lot of pressure on an individual, along with the intimate relationships which they are part of. This condition can afflict any man, though, and this means there are plenty of support networks out there which can make it easier. The structure of treatment like Gainswave is often a significant factor in improving people’s lives when they are going through an issue like this, saving you from having to think about it all the time. Along with this, though, it will also be worth looking at the relationship you have with your partner, and the work which can be done to make it stronger.
Honesty is often the most crucial part of this process. Both sides of the partnership need to be open about their feelings, or you will risk letting bitterness take hold. On the side of the afflicted, simply letting your partner know when you’re unable to perform should be enough, but you will also benefit from sharing how you feel about your condition. For the other member of the couple, it’s crucial that they can be honest about their needs, too. You can’t be offended if they look for another source of intimacy or satisfaction, though it’s also important to let them know if this goes too far.
The world is becoming more mature and sensible when it comes to issues like erectile dysfunction. People are aware that those suffering from conditions like this often have little to no control over it, and the embarrassing moments it can cause are slowly drifting away. When you’ve been with someone for a long time, though, restoring the intimacy you used to have can be crucial to keeping the spark alive.