Being happy with your performance in the bedroom is an important part of life for many men. The fact is, many men would like to address some issue in that area. Up to 30 million American men are dealing with some form or erectile dysfunction. Surgery is an option, but many men find it to be too extreme. There are prescription pills, but many men find they cause unwanted side effects or they simply do not work. The P-Shot, or the Priapus Shot®, is a revolutionary treatment option for those suffering from ED or Peyronie’s Disease.
How Does the P-Shot® Work?
The P-Shot® uses platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, to be effective. A small amount of your own blood is drawn and then spun at high speeds in a centrifuge. The PRP serum is then strategically injected into the penis. This will stimulate new tissue growth, helping to fix areas that are old or damaged. PRP has long been used for speeding along recovery after surgery, and it is also used in hair restoration and facial rejuvenation treatments.
Coming in for the P-Shot treatment takes very little time, and the results can last up to 18 months. PRP actually forces your body to heal itself, which means your results will be gradual and long-lasting. When you are done, there is no downtime. You can immediately resume your normal activities.
Who Is a Candidate for the P-Shot®?
If you are experiencing trouble due to erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s Disease, or would just like to improve your experience in the bedroom, you should schedule a consultation to learn more about the P-Shot®. It is a great treatment for men who are trying to:
- Increase penis size (can target specific areas)
- Increase the sensation and pleasure in the penis
- Help increase the effectiveness of their ED medication
- Increase the blood flow to their penis
- Make it easier to get and maintain an erection
- Straighten out the penis
- Repair damage caused by diabetes
This minimally-invasive treatment could be the one you have been waiting for. The staff at Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL are discreet and compassionate toward all patients. We know how frustrating it can be to suffer from erectile dysfunction, which is why we offer the Priapus Shot® to help you regain your lost virility. If you would like to learn more about the P-Shot® and what it can do for you, contact our office today to schedule your consultation! We would be happy to answer any questions you may have.