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Learning More About Acne Treatments for Clearer Skin

acne treatments

Acne is a common skin condition that develops when follicles are blocked with dead skin cells and oils. It can cause blackheads, pimples, and whiteheads. It normally appears on the face, forehead, upper back, chest, and shoulders. Although teenagers are the group most commonly affected by acne, it affects those of all ages. Although acne treatments are available, the condition can be stubborn. Bumps and pimples may heal slowly; as one group is fading, another can emerge.


The signs and symptoms of acne may vary, depending upon how severe your condition is. Symptoms may include the presence of blackheads, whiteheads, or small, tender bumps. Other common symptoms include pimples that have pus at their tips or large, painful lumps that are found under the surface of your skin.

When to Seek Acne Treatments

In most cases, acne will resolve itself on its own. Some people are able to treat the condition at home. If you cannot clear your acne using self-care remedies, you should make an appointment with us. We may be able to prescribe stronger medications in the case of persistent acne.

Acne can last for decades for a number of women who may experience flare ups prior to menstruation. This form of acne usually resolves itself without the need for treatment in those using contraceptives. When adults develop acne, it may indicate an underlying disease condition that requires professional attention.

Acne Treatment for Women

Some forms of acne treatment attempt to address hormonal fluctuations. Spironolactone is a drug that has been used for decades as a diuretic for those with heart problems or blood pressure problems. In treating acne, it lowers circulating testosterone hormone. In addition to being effective for many women, it is also an inexpensive treatment option. The FDA has also approved several oral contraceptives for acne treatment.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels can also be used to treat acne by shrinking oil glands and cleaning out pores. We apply a chemical solution to your skin affected by acne and leave it on for a certain period of time. After this time has passed, we rinse away the solution and neutralize it. Peels will also encourage the turnover of old, damaged skin cells that are replaced by new ones less affected by acne.

Microneedling for Acne Scars

After your acne has cleared, you may have to deal with unsightly acne scars. These are often effectively treated using a microneedling procedure. The microscopic injuries from this treatment encourage your body to replace scar tissue with fresh skin over the following weeks and months. Depending upon the severity of your acne scars, you may benefit from multiple microneedling sessions.

Your Treatment

If you would like to receive more information about your acne treatments options, feel free to get in touch with the team at Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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