Erectile dysfunction is something every man would prefer to avoid, but it’s distressingly common. It’s a condition that becomes more common with age, but the bad news is that it’s been striking American men younger and younger. The National Institutes of Health now reports that an estimated 15 to 30 million Americans suffer from chronic erectile dysfunction. Is there a way to avoid developing this distressing condition? The P-shot at Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL can help.
Do You Need to Worry About ED?
According to the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, the overall prevalence of ED among all men is 52%. The likelihood of suffering from erectile dysfunction scales up and down by age decade, so that about 40% of men in their 40s experience it, 30% of men in their 30s, and 50% of men in their 50s.
The Journal of Sexual Medicine published a study that found ED is actually far more common among younger men than researchers had previously thought, and for young men, ED can be more serious. 26% of men under 40 have ED, and half of them have very severe ED. This is surprising since, among men over 50, only 40% have what can be categorized as severe ED.
The upshot is this: ED is more likely as you grow older, but it can happen at any time.
Is Preventing ED That Important?
Since ED is a sexual health problem, it doesn’t in itself cause other physical health problems. However, it has some very serious complications you should know about. In the first place, as a sexual health problem, ED can cause tremendous difficulty in your relationships. It may be difficult or even impossible to get your partner pregnant, it can leave you very unhappy with your sex life, and it can cause relationship difficulties.
As often as you might try to explain to your partner that “it’s me, not you,” the relationship can still be strained as they wonder if there isn’t an element to your erectile dysfunction that is actually their fault. And your mental health is important, too. ED can cause anxiety every time you think about an intimate relationship, decreased self-esteem as you worry about performance, and constant, low-level stress even when you’re not in the bedroom. Together, these can put you at risk for serious depression in some cases.
The P-Shot for Prevention of Erectile Dysfunction
Fortunately, you can prevent many incidents of ED with the P-shot. Understanding how the P-shot can be preventative starts with understanding why erectile dysfunction happens in the first place.
There are two large categories of causes for ED: physical and psychological. In the past, most doctors assumed that ED in young men stemmed from psychological causes because they assumed those men were too young to yet have any physical issues. The latest research indicates that’s not correct, and preventing some of these physical causes is possible with the P-shot.
Physical Causes of ED
Nerve Supply
In some cases, ED happens because the nerve supply to the penis is malfunctioning. This can happen after injuries to the pelvic area or the spinal cord or after radiation therapy. It can also be a result of certain diseases, like multiple sclerosis. This can also happen as a reaction to certain drugs that act on the central nervous system, like some sleeping pills and amphetamines.
Blood Supply
Most often, ED is caused by an issue with blood supply. The penis needs a healthy, strong flow of blood to achieve an erection, and if that is compromised, erections may be impossible to get at all. When an erection does happen, it can be too short or weak to provide satisfaction. Blood supply can also be compromised by heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, blood pressure medications, smoking, cocaine use, or atherosclerosis, which is simply a clogging of the arteries needed to send blood flow to the penis.
Hormonal Changes
The final physical cause of ED can be down to hormones. Our hormones greatly affect our libido, and for men, when testosterone in particular drops, it can be hard to find interest in sex or become aroused. Low-T can happen to men at any age, though it’s more common in middle age and beyond, and thyroid conditions and certain medications, like antidepressants, can also affect hormones.
Psychological Causes of ED
Cases of purely psychological ED are actually fairly rare and are usually caused by severe anxiety or depression. In many cases, the psychological barriers to an erection are actually a result of physical difficulties, so removing or preventing the physical causes can solve or prevent some of the psychological ones, too.
How the Priapus Shot Can Help
The P-Shot, or the Priapus Shot, isn’t just for treating erectile dysfunction. It can also optimize sexual function and help prevent ED altogether. This fast, painless treatment uses the healing properties of your own blood to help men keep their strong, satisfying erections. By continually boosting the rejuvenation of blood vessels and penile tissue, the Priapus Shot can keep nerves and blood vessels in good health and functioning properly.
As this treatment enhances your ability to perform, it allows you to feel confident in your sexual health. That kind of confidence, combined with the satisfaction that comes from good sexual performance, allows you to avoid the psychological triggers that can cause ED.
The Power of Platelets
Our blood is full of platelets, and these contain growth factors that signal to our bodies to regenerate damaged tissues and carry away dead cells. When injected into the penis, these platelets and their growth factors immediately go to work rejuvenating damaged blood vessels and growing new blood vessels and fresh, healthy penile tissue.
Your platelets don’t normally do this because they have to be triggered by an injury. When you sustain a cut, for instance, the damage registers as an emergency and blood rushes to the area, carrying platelets and their growth factors with it. But the normal process of aging or the hardening of arteries through atherosclerosis simply don’t trigger this response.
What’s the Priapus Shot Like?
Once we meet with you for a consultation, we can help you understand more about how the Priapus Shot may be able to help you. Once you’ve decided it’s a good way to prevent the possibility of ED, there’s no extensive preparation necessary. All you have to do is show up for your outpatient treatment.
What to Expect at Treatment
When you arrive, we’ll give you a numbing cream that will ensure you are perfectly comfortable throughout the treatment. As it’s taking effect, we’ll draw a bit of your blood and put it into a centrifuge. The centrifuge spins for about 10 minutes, separating the different elements of your blood by density so we can extract the platelet-rich plasma from the red and white blood cells and the platelet-poor plasma elements.
Once you have no sensation in the area and your plasma is ready, we will inject your plasma in a systematic way designed to ensure every area gets the benefit. This process doesn’t hurt, and when it’s over, you’re ready to go on your way. There’s no downtime, no drugs, no surgery, and no need to avoid any of your normal activities for the rest of the day. The whole process takes between 30 minutes and an hour, and most of that time is numbing the penis and preparing the PRP.
What to Expect After Treatment
Even if you don’t yet experience ED, you’ll notice a difference in the strength and quality of your erections after the Priapus Shot. Just remember that this is all happening naturally. The platelets need time to stimulate new tissue growth, so most men see their first results a few weeks after treatment. Here’s what you can expect to see:
- Harder erections
- More stamina
- Reduced refractory period (the time between erections)
- An increase in length and girth
- Improved sensitivity
Even men who don’t suffer from ED report being very pleased with the results of the P-shot. It’s a safe and effective treatment that doesn’t have any potential for side effects, allergic reactions, or rejection because the treatment comes from your own blood.
Preventing ED
In addition to getting the Priapus Shot, you can do some other things to help prevent erectile dysfunction.
Stop Smoking
If you’re a smoker, now is the time to quit. The nicotine in tobacco narrows your blood vessels, so it’s not a surprise that smokers are twice as likely to have ED as non-smokers. Even worse, ED medications aren’t as effective for smokers.
Keep Diabetes Under Control
If you suffer from diabetes, you probably already know that high blood sugar is hard on your nerves and blood vessels. These include the nerves and blood vessels in the penis. The better your blood sugar control, the less chance you have of developing ED.
Keep Cholesterol Low
High cholesterol contributes to the buildup of plaque in arterial walls, including the walls of blood vessels in the penis. Plaques are a major contributor to age-related blood flow issues that cause erectile dysfunction, so tackling the issue now can help prevent ED later on.
Reduce Drinking
Excessive drinking goes hand-in-hand with ED, and you can avoid the issue by cutting back. When you’re young, you may be able to drink more without experiencing ED, but understand that as you age, it becomes more and more likely that high alcohol intake will cause an issue.
Just Say No
Illicit drugs are huge contributors to the problem of ED. Uppers like cocaine and downers like marijuana all cause issues. Some damage your blood vessels, leading to poor blood flow to the penis. Others compromise your nervous system, diminishing sensation.
Keep Exercising
Exercise is great for your health in many ways, not the least of which is by keeping your circulation and blood vessels in good shape. Exercise also just makes you feel good and helps with stress, so it works to prevent ED in more ways than one. Even something as simple as a 30-minute walk can help, according to recent studies.
Keep an Eye on Your T
Testosterone has a lot to do with sexual function, so it pays to keep an eye on your hormone levels. At Orchidia Medical Group, we can help you with testosterone replacement therapy as necessary to keep your levels in a healthy range.
Come Visit Us!
We understand how important sexual health is to your overall wellness. We want everyone with ED to get the treatment they need to end it, and everyone without ED to avoid it! Visit Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL today and talk with a doctor about your concerns. Let us help you achieve lifelong sexual wellness and avoid the discomfort and stress that can come from erectile dysfunction.