Orchidia Medical Group

Shockwave Therapy for Joint Pain and Muscle Pain

At Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL, we offer shockwave therapy treatments for joint pain and muscle pain. This treatment is also known as SWT, including shockwave therapy for muscle pain and shockwave therapy for joint pain, to naturally and effectively address the most common types of musculoskeletal pain. We design customized treatment plans that restore mobility, reduce pain, and help patients resume all their normal daily activities uninterrupted and pain-free.

What Is Shockwave Therapy?

SWT is a natural treatment that relieves pain and improves mobility by using acoustic waves to target the source of musculoskeletal pain. It treats acute and chronic forms of musculoskeletal pain, increases range of motion, and promotes natural healing.

This regenerative treatment disperses pain mediators, encourages the formation of new blood vessels, releases trigger points, dissolves calcified fibroblasts, stimulates natural collagen production, and reverses or reduces chronic inflammation. The device delivers high acoustic shockwave energy to the treatment area to improve mobility and reduce pain.

What Does It Treat?

SWT addresses the most common types of joint pain and muscle pain. The following are just some of the conditions we treat with the device:

What Are the Treatment Benefits?

Unlike steroid injections and prescription medications, this treatment doesn’t have negative side effects or long-term consequences that detract from overall health. Some of the treatment benefits include the following:

What Happens During the Treatment Process?

The SWT treatment process is comfortable and simple. To begin the treatment, we’ll apply a gel to the skin to facilitate energy transfer from the device to the tissue. Then, we’ll use gentle pressure to apply the device to the treatment area and deliver acoustic waves to target the primary source of your pain.

The device will deliver short, high-energy pulses to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Treatments are quick and only last a few minutes, depending on the size or number of treatment areas we address.

Is There Any Downtime?

After your treatment is over, you will be able to resume all your normal daily activities without planning around any downtime. You may feel some soreness after the treatment, which is normal and will subside in the days that follow.

What Kind of Results Should I Expect?

Patients may experience improved mobility and reduced pain after a single session. However, the best results are cumulative and most noticeable after undergoing a series of treatments. Results vary for each patient based on the area they want to treat and their condition. At a pre-treatment consultation, we will evaluate your desired treatment area and give you more details about what kind of results to expect.

Shockwave Therapy for Muscle Pain

Shockwave therapy for muscle pain is effective for patients experiencing muscle spasms, inflammation, or pain. The acoustic shockwaves relax the muscles, prevent spasms, and normalize muscle tone. For those who have sustained a muscle injury, shockwave therapy for muscle pain will also accelerate the healing process and restore function and mobility.

Shockwave Therapy for Joint Pain

Shockwave therapy for joint pain is also an effective solution for patients suffering from joint pain. The pulsating acoustic waves break apart scar tissue in the joint, increase circulation, and repair tissue while also reducing inflammation. Shockwave therapy for joint pain is an effective alternative to more invasive procedures and delivers real and lasting results.

SWT for Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis is a condition in which the Achilles tendon is injured due to overuse. This tendon connects the calf muscles to the heel bone, and injuries most commonly affect active individuals, including runners and those who play high-impact sports.

While most Achilles tendonitis conditions are resolved with at-home care, in some cases, stronger treatment options are required. SWT for Achilles tendonitis will accelerate healing, reduce inflammation, and restore mobility.

SWT for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a condition in which individuals experience intense heel pain that’s often the most painful first thing in the morning or after periods of inactivity. While there are many different treatment options for plantar fasciitis, SWT accelerates the healing process of chronic conditions by targeting the inflamed fascia, reducing inflammation, and promoting healing.

SWT for Knee Pain

SWT also treats chronic and acute knee pain. Treatments improve mobility by stimulating healing processes within the body, reducing inflammation, and breaking up scar tissue in the knee. Whether you’ve experienced a knee injury, tendonitis, iliotibial band syndrome, or another condition affecting your knee, the acoustic shockwaves will naturally and safely restore your mobility and help you heal.

SWT for Shoulder Pain

SWT also treats shoulder injuries and pain. Shoulder pain often significantly impairs mobility and the ability to function normally. Whether your shoulder pain has resulted from arthritis, a sports injury, or another injury or condition, we will evaluate the primary cause and design a treatment plan using SWT to reduce inflammation, stimulate healing, and restore shoulder function and mobility.

Heal Your Body the Natural Way

You don’t have to resort to steroid injections, medications that cause long-term side effects, or invasive surgical procedures to restore your mobility and alleviate your joint, tendon, or muscle pain. An SWT treatment plan will make all the difference in how you feel and function. At your initial consultation, we will give you more details about this process, how it works, and what to expect from your customized treatment plan.

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