Orchidia Medical Group

P-Shot® in Naples, FL


Sexual wellness is an integral aspect of a man’s overall health and well-being. It goes beyond physical satisfaction, encompassing emotional, psychological, and relational dimensions. At Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL, the complexities of sexual health are something we are well-equipped to handle with our P-Shot treatments.

The P-Shot offers men a non-medicated method to enhance their sexual performance and overall sexual health. This treatment uses the natural healing abilities that your body already has to improve function and satisfaction. By focusing on natural, non-surgical options, we provide our patients with a discreet and effective way to address their sexual health concerns.

What Is a P-Shot?

The P-Shot, or Priapus® Shot, is a treatment aimed at enhancing male sexual wellness through injections. It involves the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a component that is acquired from the patient’s blood and known for its healing properties. This approach can help regenerate tissue in the area and provide other benefits that can enhance your sexual experience. 

How Does a P-Shot Work?

The process of the P-Shot involves extracting a small sample of the patient’s blood, which is then spun in a centrifuge to isolate the platelet-rich plasma. Once the components are separated, the PRP is put in a syringe and injected into specific areas of the penis. The growth factors and other beneficial components can enhance sensitivity, function, and overall sexual wellness.

What Are the Benefits of the P-Shot? 

FAQs About the P-Shot

How Is the PRP Obtained?

For the PRP shot, a small amount of blood is drawn from your arm, just like your doctor would do for a blood test. This sample is then processed in a centrifuge to separate the platelets, creating platelet-rich plasma. Next, the PRP is taken from the vial, leaving the other components behind, and is placed into a syringe to get it ready for the treatment. 

What Can I Expect From My P-Shot Session?

During a platelet-rich plasma session, patients can anticipate a quick and relatively comfortable experience. Initially, a numbing cream is applied to minimize discomfort. Several injections are given, usually into the corpus cavernosum and the head of the penis. The entire process, from the blood draw to the PRP injection, typically concludes within an hour and there is no downtime. 

How Long Does the P-Shot Take to Work?

The effects of a PRP injection may vary from person to person, but improvements can typically be noticed within a few weeks as the growth factors begin to rejuvenate and enhance the treated area. Optimal results are usually observed after a few months, as the body naturally repairs and enhances the penile tissue.

How Long Do the Results of the P-Shot Last?

Results from the P-Shot can be long-lasting. While individual experiences vary, many men report sustained improvements in sexual performance and satisfaction for up to a year. It’s important to discuss individual expectations with a healthcare provider, as the P-Shot for men does not provide identical outcomes for everyone.

Am I a Good Candidate for the P-Shot?

Men experiencing challenges such as erectile dysfunction or decreased sensitivity, as well as those simply looking for overall improvement in sexual health, might be suitable candidates for the Priapus Shot. Ideal candidates are those seeking a non-surgical and non-medicated solution to improve their sexual wellness. A consultation with a healthcare provider can help determine if this treatment aligns with your health needs and goals.

How Often Can I Schedule P-Shot Treatments?

The frequency of Priapus Shot treatments can vary based on individual results and goals. While some men achieve their desired outcomes with just one treatment, others may opt for additional sessions. It is generally advised to wait at least a few months between treatments to allow the body to respond fully to the PRP. Once the results have worn off, you can also come in for additional maintenance appointments to sustain your sexual health. 

Improve Your Sexual Health With P-Shot in Naples, FL

The P-Shot offers a unique approach for those seeking improvement in sexual performance and wellness, utilizing the body’s natural healing capabilities. At Orchidia Medical Group, we support men in Naples, FL, helping them to achieve their sexual health goals without invasive procedures. Experience the benefits of enhanced sexual function, increased confidence, and overall improved quality of life with our expert care. For more details or to schedule a consultation, please reach out to us at (239) 333-8809 or contact us online

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