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Why Is the O Shot So Popular?

O Shot

Several changes occur in a woman’s body when she goes through major life events, such as pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. Fluctuating levels of estrogen, the female sex hormone, is responsible for most of these changes. While most of the physical changes are visible to others, some changes, especially those in the vagina, are only felt by the woman and sometimes her partner. When these changes are too drastic, they can affect a woman’s sex life and overall health and wellbeing. To reverse vaginal changes, Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL, offers the O shot.

What Is the O Shot?

Sometimes referred to as the orgasm shot, the O shot is a non-surgical treatment option for the vagina that exploits the growth factors found in the blood. The blood contains platelets sent to an injured part of the body, triggering the natural healing process. Advancement in medical research and technology has enabled healthcare experts to regenerate tissues by using a concentrate of platelets.

During a treatment process known as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, a healthcare professional draws a small amount of the patient’s blood and places it in a centrifuge. The centrifuge spins the blood at high speeds, separating the platelet-rich plasma from other blood compounds. The extract is then injected into an area that needs tissue regeneration. In the orgasm shot, it is injected into the labia, clitoris, and g-spot area.

5 Benefits of the O Shot

1. Sexual Benefits

It is difficult for many women to open up about issues that adversely affect their sex life. However, according to health reports, the inability to achieve an orgasm is one of the most prevalent sex issues among women. Several studies estimate that only 1 in 4 women regularly experiences an orgasm during intercourse.

Experts that focus on women’s sexual matters believe that female sexual dysfunction is often to blame for many unsatisfied women. Sexual dysfunction can arise when a woman feels pain during sex, is not well lubricated, feels less sensation because of a loose vaginal canal, or experiences discomfort because of an excessively tight vaginal canal. Not only do these issues affect a woman’s sex life, but also her self-esteem. Several factors can interfere with vaginal tissues. Such factors include:


While most major vaginal changes occur during childbirth, some minor ones begin as early as the first 3 months of pregnancy. One of the significant changes that occur during pregnancy is an increased volume of blood. Some women experience an increase in the volume of blood by up to 50%. Some of the extra blood often finds its way into the tissues of the vagina and vulva.

When blood flows into these tissues increases, they swell and become more sensitive. While increased sensitivity in this area is usually linked to increased sexual desire, excess blood flow over long periods can increase the risk of developing varicose veins around the vaginal tissues.


Childbirth is an intricate process that involves several reproductive organs. While these organs are naturally meant to accommodate the baby during pregnancy and facilitate childbirth, sometimes, during birth, they are stretched beyond their elastic limit. The cervix stays closed during pregnancy to keep the baby in the uterus. When it is time for the baby to come into the world, the cervix dilates, allowing the baby to start the journey downwards. The cervix stretches by up to 10cm. To allow the baby to pass through the birth canal, the pelvic floor muscles can stretch up to 3 times their usual size.

Occasionally, by the time the baby comes out, most of the reproductive tissue is stretched beyond its limit. This may prompt the doctor to perform an episiotomy. During the procedure, the doctor makes an incision from the opening of the vagina towards the anus. Earlier medical practitioners thought a routine episiotomy helped protect connective and muscular tissue that supports the pelvic floor and prevents extensive vaginal tears that might occur during childbirth. While doctors no longer believe this to be the case, certain circumstances force them to perform the procedure. These include:

Occasionally, an episiotomy causes a bigger tear than natural childbirth, exposing the mother to fourth-degree vaginal tearing.


Estrogen plays a key role during pregnancy; therefore, production increases during this time. However, the body reduces the production of estrogen drastically because high levels of estrogen interfere with breastfeeding. Low estrogen has a massive impact on several bodily functions. For example, when the body produces less estrogen, the vagina’s lining becomes dry and thinner. This makes the vagina sore, itchy, and painful.

After Birth

While many medical practitioners claim that childbirth does not permanently change or damage the vagina, some women disagree. Some women, especially those that have given birth to larger-than-normal babies, many children, or those that encounter some complications during delivery, experience long-term vaginal changes that often lower the quality of their sex life and overall wellbeing.


A lot of changes occur as we age. Women experience a drop in estrogen and collagen levels. The body reduces estrogen production during perimenopause, and production slows down almost to a stop after menopause. As the primary female hormone, estrogen contributes to the growth and health of the reproductive organs. It keeps the vagina elastic and moisturized. It also ensures enough blood is sent to the vagina. Therefore, when levels drop, the lining of the vagina and vulva becomes thinner and dryer.

Collagen levels also drop with age. Collagen is responsible for making the skin strong, elastic, and firm. It also plays a vital role in the production of new skin cells. Lower-than-normal levels of estrogen can contribute to stress urinary incontinence and make the vaginal lining thinner.

The O Shot vs. Sexual Dysfunction

The O shot introduces new growth factors around the vaginal area, triggering cellular regeneration, and tissue repair. It also promotes the formation of new blood vessels and improves the production of collagen. This improves your sex life in several ways. It:


2. Urinary Incontinence

People who suffer from urinary incontinence experience accidental urine leakage. While this can happen to anyone, it is more common in older people, especially women. Urine is stored in the bladder. During urination, the bladder muscles contract, forcing urine out through relaxed urethra muscles. Incontinence occurs when these muscles relax without warning. Short-term incontinence can be caused by constipation, vaginal infection, or irritation, or urinary tract infections (UTIs). Long-term incontinence can be caused by:

The orgasm shot is an ideal treatment option for 2 types of urinary incontinence:

Stress Incontinence

In this type of incontinence, urine leaks when an activity such as exercise, sneezing, laughing, coughing, or lifting heavy objects, puts pressure on the bladder. Stress incontinence is more common in younger and middle-aged women. It can also start at the onset of menopause.

Urge Incontinence

Urge incontinence happens when a sudden, uncontrollable urge to empty your bladder occurs. It does not give you enough time to reach the bathroom. This incontinence type worsens with Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, stroke, or multiple sclerosis.

3. Lichen Planus

Lichen planus is a condition that causes irritation and swelling in the skin, nails, hair, and mucous membranes. When it develops on the skin, it appears as itchy, purplish, flat bumps that advance over several weeks. It appears on the mucous membrane in areas such as the mouth and vagina, forming lacy white patches that can turn into painful patches. Fortunately, the condition is not contagious. Although the disease can affect anyone, it is more prevalent among middle-aged women.

While you can easily manage typical, mild cases of lichen planus using home remedies, advanced cases accompanied by pain or significant itching need a doctor’s attention. The orgasm shot can help treat lichen planus that develops inside and around the vagina.


Lichen planus occurs when there is an unexplainable, abnormal immune response. Triggers include:



When left untreated, lichen planus that develops around and in the vagina can cause severe pain and leave scars. It can also lead to long-term sexual dysfunction.

4. Lichen Sclerosus

Lichen Sclerosus is a condition that leads to the development of patchy, white skin that looks thinner than usual. The disease affects the genital and anal areas. While it can affect anyone, lichen Sclerosus is more common in postmenopausal women. Some people with mild lichen Sclerosus show no signs or symptoms of the condition. When signs and symptoms appear, they develop on the skin around the vaginal and anal areas. They may include:


5. Interstitial Cystitis (IC)

IC is a chronic, painful condition that affects the bladder. It is often mistaken for a UTI. It causes recurring discomfort or pain in the bladder and surrounding pelvic area. It can also trigger irritation or inflammation in the bladder walls, leading to scarring and stiffening of the bladder. Women are more susceptible to IC. Common symptoms of IC include:


Try the Orgasm Shot

The orgasm shot uses the revolutionary PRP treatment to increase the body’s natural growth factors around the vaginal area. It can offer relief from sexual dysfunction, allowing you to improve your sex life significantly. It can reverse the damaging effects that accompany pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. It can also help treat other conditions that affect the health of your vagina and the surrounding area. For more information about the O shot, contact Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL.

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