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What Are the Benefits of Peptide Therapy?

At Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL, we strive to give patients the most advanced treatments available to promote happier, longer living. This is why we offer peptide therapy, an advanced wellness solution based on your specific needs. We combine and compound these treatments to give your body exactly what it’s missing. In turn, you can feel younger and experience greater health and vitality.

What Are the Benefits of Peptide Therapy?

Although our bodies naturally produce peptides, that production varies greatly by individual and with age. We can restore the quantity and quality of peptides with a personalized treatment known as peptide therapy (PT). This helps stimulate cellular regrowth within the body and can be used to deliver such benefits as:

PT is also great for building muscle mass. Age causes muscle to diminish and fat to take its place – one of the reasons losing weight gets harder with time. These effects are largely attributed to human growth hormone (HGH), secreted by the pituitary gland and responsible for building muscle mass. HGH levels drop as you age, but peptides help reverse this process to:


Improve Skin Health

PT is a highly regarded solution for damaged skin cells that contribute to a dull, tired, or ruddy complexion. Specifically, the right combination of peptides can tighten loose skin, repair protective skin barrier proteins, and improve skin firmness, elasticity, and clarity. It can also improve the structure of aged skin to reduce fine lines and wrinkles as well as smooth rough patches. In short, therapy can improve your skin’s overall appearance.

Peptides essentially serve as the building blocks of collagen and elastin, both of which are crucial to skin health. Along with hyaluronic acid, these proteins comprise the extra-cellular matrix (ECM) that supports skin tissues. A strong ECM means a refined appearance with a youthful glow, and your results will remain in place as long as you continue with therapy.

Increase Hair Growth

Peptides have been shown to fight inflammation, decrease hair loss, and stimulate hair growth in a number of ways. To illustrate, it blocks DHT – a hormone that curbs hair growth – production in the scalp. DHT is converted from testosterone with the help of an enzyme known as 5-alpha reductase. By obstructing this enzyme, peptides block the production of DHT and therefore prevent further hair loss.

Peptides also increase follicle size to make hair look thicker and fuller. They encourage blood flow to the scalp to feed follicles, increase the number of fat cells on the scalp, and even prolong the hair’s growth cycle. These effects result in hair growth that is strong, thick, and healthy.

Revive Your Sex Life

Most of the body’s internal processes slow with age, and this is certainly true of estrogen and testosterone production. Both gradually drop over time, and as a result, men and women often experience less energy and lower libidos.

Fortunately, these changes don’t have to be accepted as “natural.” They can instead be efficiently and effectively combatted with peptide therapy. Men can see improvements in erectile dysfunction, while women can likewise enjoy enhanced sexual arousal. Both can witness an increase in desire so that intercourse once more becomes pleasurable.

Enhance Weight Loss

As you likely already know, obesity is a risk factor for chronic illnesses like diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disorders. It may also promote metabolic syndrome, clusters of symptoms that negatively impact metabolism. Examples of these include high blood pressure, glucose, and cholesterol.

Research shows that PT may trigger weight loss and manage obesity by improving energy homeostasis. Also known as energy balance, this refers to the body’s ability to control the body’s use and intake of energy. Science also shows that peptides can control blood glucose levels and help reduce the risk of diabetes. Last but not least, therapy may suppress your appetite to help you eat fewer calories throughout the day.

Reduce Inflammation and Risk of Fractures

Age is a key risk factor for diseases like osteoporosis and arthritis, both of which can diminish your mobility and lead to uncontrolled joint pain. Osteoporosis also causes bones to become brittle and more prone to fracture.

While multiple factors can contribute to the onset of joint problems, one of the leading causes is a deficiency of growth hormones. PT not only spurs the production of growth hormones but can also reduce joint inflammation and the risk of fractures. It can additionally boost mobility to improve your quality of life.

Improve Endurance

Peptides encourage muscle growth and the secretion of growth factors that can arm your body with:


What Are Peptides?

At this point, you’re probably wondering what peptides are. These naturally occurring molecules are found in all living organisms. They play a key role in many different biological activities and are synthesized from DNA. During this process, a specific DNA gene sequence is copied into a messenger molecule known as mRNA.

The mRNA carries the code for a specific peptide or protein. A chain of amino acids then reads from the mRNA and is joined by peptide bonds that form a single molecule. Twenty different amino acids exist naturally and can be combined with a number of different molecules. A molecule that consists of two to 50 amino acids is a peptide. A larger chain of more than 50 amino acids is referred to as a protein.

Found in Every Cell and Tissue

Peptides exist in every cell and tissue within the human body. In fact, more than 7,000 peptides have been identified to date. Some play a role in immunity, while others assist with weight loss, sleep, and healing. Still others act like hormones and thus carry information through the blood from one tissue to another. The specific function of a peptide depends on its shape and the types of amino acids that comprise its chain and sequence.

For a peptide to carry out its task, it must bind to a specific receptor found in the membrane of relevant cells. An example is the GLP-1 receptor, located on beta cells in the pancreas. Once the receptor is activated by the peptide, the cell is then prompted to release insulin.

Reasons To Consider Therapy

Because peptides exist throughout the body, it’s no surprise that when disordered, they can create ripple effects that impact many different systems. To illustrate, a disruption of peptides can cause weight gain, digestive problems, and inflammation.

PT addresses these conditions by mimicking the peptides your body makes naturally. They elicit a targeted response and are often well tolerated with no side effects. They can replace functions of naturally occurring peptides that are no longer working as effectively, have diminished with age, or simply need to be improved. Peptides used in therapy are generally crafted from such reliable sources as:


Signs Therapy Might Be Right for You

Many people believe peptide therapy is only for men and/or patients of a certain age. But males and females can both benefit from therapy, especially those who are athletes, want to encourage optimal functioning, or simply feel like they need a boost. And patients of all seasons, including those middle-aged, are ideal candidates.

With time, our body’s natural production of essential amino acids diminishes. This makes therapy a targeted and beneficial way to continue thriving well beyond your 20s and 30s. More specifically, if you experience any of the following symptoms, treatment might be right for you:

Claim Your Path to Better Health

Peptides occur naturally within the body and play key roles in a variety of functions. It’s therefore no wonder that when they’re out of balance, you can experience symptoms like lost sexual libido and weight gain. But you don’t have to accept these changes as inevitable. Instead, you can reclaim your health with PT, a simple, safe, and effective therapy for nearly all ages. Contact Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL, today to schedule your consultation.

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