Do you want to improve your health and wellness? If so, NAD IV therapy may be perfect for you. This exciting vitamin therapy works differently than over-the-counter pharmaceuticals. Rather than masking symptoms, it helps your body heal itself. At Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL, we offer this life-changing therapy. Today, we’re talking about the benefits you can enjoy when you receive this therapy.
What Are the Benefits of NAD IV Therapy?
You’ll Get an Energy Boost
NAD, or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is an essential building block and supporter in the body. It is necessary for virtually every bodily function. When you have enough of this critical molecule, you can form short-term memories, you can recall long-term memories, you have plenty of energy to do everything you need to do throughout the day, and you can focus for long periods of time. You also need plenty of this molecule to be able to see, hear and perform other functions.
Everyone responds to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide therapy differently because an inadequate amount of the molecule affects everyone differently. Some people who receive treatment notice that they don’t wake up as often throughout the night. Others notice abrasions healing faster and nails thickening. Some people enjoy healthier hair. However, it is pretty safe to say if you don’t have enough nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, you have a lack of energy.
You’ll Put on Muscle Easier
Muscle building is hard. You have to exercise your muscles past the point of failure until the muscle cells are torn apart. Then, you have to drink enough water and eat enough protein for your muscle cells to repair themselves so your muscles will grow bigger and stronger. However, even if you drink plenty of water, eat plenty of protein and take amino acid supplements, without an adequate amount of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, you’re going to struggle.
Your blood vessels get older as you get older. Eventually, circulation issues occur. This leads to your muscles wasting away as they starve of critical nutrients. If you are exercising diligently and still feel like you are getting weaker, you need nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide IV therapy to support your vascular function so you can fuel your muscles, restore your strength and rebuild your muscles.
You’ll Enjoy More Efficient DNA Repair
Your body continuously unravels your DNA so it can be read and replicated. Unfortunately, there is always a risk that the DNA can be damaged when it is unraveled. Your body is pretty good at repairing damaged DNA but nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide molecules play a critical role in that process. If you don’t have enough nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide in your body, some of your DNA may slip through the cracks and be damaged permanently.
You’ll Enjoy Brain Cell Protection
A protective case covers each essential nerve in our brain, spinal cord and eyes. Unfortunately, that protective case can receive damage. When damage occurs, the essential nerves can be delayed in sending electrical impulses, stop sending those impulses altogether or even send inappropriate messages. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide protects these protective cases, mitigating the risk of neurological problems.
You’ll Enjoy Sustained Vitality
As we age, we look and feel older because our cells aren’t as good at doing their jobs as they used to be. The result of this is unwanted changes to our hair, skin, cognitive function, digestive system, muscles and much more. A lack of nicotine adenine dinucleotide is a major part of this, in part because a lack of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide leads to damaged DNA.
You’ll Enjoy Less Severe Pain
In people with bodies that function as they should, pain is a useful signal. It indicates that there is a problem that needs to be addressed so more damage to the body does not occur. However, some people live with chronic pain as a result of a motor vehicle accident or chronic illness. Sometimes, to protect itself, the brain normalizes the constant sensation of pain. Unfortunately, this can result in pain receptors changing how they work overtime.
Eventually, people living with chronic pain may become more sensitive to pain. With nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide IV therapy, pain receptors and their neuromodulators can be modulated so pain can be managed safely and effectively.
How Does Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide IV Therapy Work?
Remember, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is a molecule that plays an important role in virtually every process of your body. It is also present in every one of your body’s cells. There is no other vitamin-derived molecule that plays a more important role in the chemical and physical processes that occur throughout your body. Young people tend to have adequate levels of this essential molecule. However, with age, the amount of NAD in the body decreases.
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide IV therapy is effective because it doesn’t involve pumping pharmaceuticals or artificial chemicals into your body. Rather, it restores a natural molecule that used to be in adequate supply when you were younger. It restores vitality by giving your body the tool it needs to heal itself. Without enough nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, your cells simply can’t regenerate as quickly as they should and you won’t have the energy to enjoy life.
What’s Great About IV Therapy?
In a world where you can take a pill for virtually anything, you may wonder what is so great about IV therapy. After all, isn’t it easier to just take an oral supplement every day or whenever you feel like you can’t focus? The unfortunate truth is taking oral nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide supplements isn’t effective. Whenever you take a capsule, pill or tablet, it has to pass through your digestive system.
Unfortunately, you can never get the maximum possible benefits of any drug or supplement when it is taken orally. A limited amount of the drug or supplement taken can be absorbed by your digestive system and passed into your bloodstream. What’s so great about IV therapy is the molecule is injected directly into your bloodstream so you can enjoy the full benefits of supplementation. Also, you can enjoy the benefits of therapy faster.
What Can I Expect During a Therapy Session?
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide IV therapy is similar to a standard medical IV. The primary differences are the therapy is performed in a comfortable, relaxing setting and you are receiving nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide supplementation rather than just a sterile saline solution. Each treatment session will take roughly 90 minutes to complete. You won’t feel any pain and you are free to daydream, catch up on e-mails or watch a TV show on your phone.
We will discuss your medical history and health concerns when you come in for an initial consultation. This is to ensure the health concerns you are experiencing can be treated with this therapy and there are no contraindications, such as blood diseases or blood pressure problems.
How Many Therapy Sessions Will I Need?
Your unique health, wellness and energy concerns will guide how many therapy sessions you will need. When we discuss your health concerns at your initial consultation, we will tailor a treatment plan that works for you. You may experience the benefits of therapy after your first treatment session. However, numerous sessions are required for the best results. For example, you may experience relief from chronic pain or mental fatigue after one therapy session.
If you want to “rewire” your body’s pain signals, you may need at least six therapy sessions. If you are trying to burn excess fat but don’t have the physical energy to cook nutritiously and exercise as you should or the mental energy to make good diet and exercise choices, you may need at least half of a dozen sessions. However, we strongly encourage you to take advantage of the nearly immediate boost of energy you’ll get from therapy and meal prep and work out.
How Effective Is This Therapy?
This therapy is unbelievably effective. When taken orally, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide supplementation can nearly triple the amount of the molecule in the body. However, we’d like to reiterate that oral supplements are not even nearly completely bioavailable. You get much more of a benefit from receiving intravenous supplementation every couple of weeks for a few months. Your nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide levels rise much more than threefold.
How Should I Prepare for My Therapy?
Although this therapy is non-invasive, there are several things you should do to prepare for your therapy. We will give you all of the pre-treatment instructions during your initial consultation. However, we’d like to highlight the most important points now. The night before your scheduled therapy session, get a good night’s sleep. Sleep works wonders on anxiety. If you’re feeling a little unsure about IV therapy, a solid night of rest will help you feel relaxed.
You should also make a point to drink plenty of water the day before your scheduled therapy session. The more hydrated you are, the smoother your therapy will go. Make sure your urine is clear or pale rather than cloudy or dark. On the day of your scheduled therapy session, eat a nutritious, well-balanced meal. Eating at least 20 grams of protein with your breakfast will go a long way in ensuring your blood sugar is stable throughout your session.
Schedule Your Appointment Today
Your body has the power to heal itself. It wants to get plenty of rest, prevent pain, repair its cells and function as it should. However, the older you get, the harder it is for your body to heal itself. NAD can help your body do what it needs to do.
Help your body heal itself today and sleep well tonight knowing you will be protected from problems tomorrow. Contact us today at Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL to schedule a treatment session or learn more about how this healing therapy can benefit you.