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NAD’s and Erectile dysfunctions connections.

Great sexual health is crucial to our function and wellbeing, and it has even been linked to a longer life. But unfortunately, many men struggle with conditions such as decreased libido and erectile dysfunction as they grow older. At Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL, we offer a variety of highly effective treatments to address these problems. A particularly interesting and innovative one is NADs IV, which can deliver vital substances to your bloodstream.

What Is a NADs IV?

NAD+ stands for Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, and it is a coenzyme that occurs in all living cells and has powerful anti-aging properties. Although it was discovered in the early 1900s, doctors haven’t started using it to treat chronic conditions and the negative consequences of aging until recently. Its main function is to bind to other enzymes in the body and activate them. That way, reactions can take place, and your body can perform better.
When it occurs naturally, NAD+ triggers a variety of important biological processes, which include expressing genes, repairing DNA, and extracting energy from the food you eat. In fact, the coenzyme is crucial to our function, and we couldn’t live without it. Unfortunately, we produce less and less of it as we age, so we start to develop illnesses. An IV therapy that delivers the crucial component to our bodies can help us prevent such age-related problems.


What Is IV Therapy?

Most people know that crucial medicine is often delivered to patients who are ill or injured via an IV. However, the applications of this type of therapy outside of a hospital setting is less well-known. In fact, we can now use it in a variety of ways to treat less serious conditions. For example, some clinics offer IV therapy to patients who need to be rehydrated or who are suffering from a vitamin deficiency.

Here at Orchidia Medical Group, we can help you recover from chronic conditions such as ED by utilizing this method to deliver NAD+ to your system. It is more effective than many other treatments because the important nutrients and enzymes are delivered straight to your bloodstream, so they are absorbed much faster and more effectively than with pills or creams. What’s more, the process is minimally invasive, so you don’t have to stay in the clinic overnight.

How It Treats ED

ED is caused by a variety of issues, and it’s often not clear why exactly a patient is suffering from it. There may be physical as well as mental health factors, and both need to be considered to make the treatment effective. However, we know that the incidence of the condition increases dramatically the older we get. Below the age of 40, only around 30-40% of men will experience it, but by the time you are 70, you have a 70% chance of struggling with ED.
Because one of NAD+’s main functions is to regenerate your body’s tissues and slow down the aging process, it is extremely effective at preventing or even reversing your sexual health problems. When you get a high dose of this coenzyme, your cells will be rejuvenated and inflammation will be decreased, so you can expect an improved performance. What’s more, chronic fatigue will also be reduced. Thus, you can expect to be more active and energetic.

What Is Peptide PT-141?

NADs IV therapy is a great anti-aging treatment. However, people with erectile dysfunction will benefit even more from their sessions when Peptide PT-141 is added. This substance, also called a Bremelanotide, works in your brain and increases your sexual desire. Although everyone responds slightly differently, the vast majority of people who take this substance notice that their sexual performance and the frequency of intercourse increases.

There are many Peptide PT-141 treatments available, some of them in the form of pills, creams, or even nasal sprays. Unfortunately, none of these methods have been shown to be effective, and the only way you can benefit from this substance is through injection. When we deliver it straight to your bloodstream via an IV, you will feel the effects rapidly.

How It Treats Erectile Dysfunction

At the clinic, we use several methods of improving your sexual health and fighting ED. We will invite you to an initial consultation to discuss your struggle with your sexual wellbeing and to figure out the best way to help you. At that time, we can check what other conditions you have and make sure there are no lifestyle factors that are inhibiting a healthy sex life.

Then, we will explain to you the various options and decide which one is best. If we determine that an IV containing NAD+ and PT-141 is best, we will give you more information about how to prepare for your session, then book you in.

Your Session

Depending on the severity of your condition, you might have to come to the clinic several times. In fact, NAD+ IV has been proven most effective when administered every day for 4-10 days. That way, you get plenty of the coenzyme, but you are also giving your body a chance to rest for 24 hours in between your treatments.

The session will take place at the clinic. Your provider will get the IV started, and it will be administered over 1-4 hours. During this time, you can rest and read a book, listen to some music, or chat to a friend or family member. When your IV is complete, you can go home and resume your normal routine.

Recovery Time

Because this treatment isn’t very invasive and there is no general anesthesia, you don’t have to do much to recover. In fact, most people walk out of the clinic and make their way home on their own.
Our patients often explain that it feels as if a fog had been lifted from their brains after NAD+ has been injected. They feel rejuvenated and have much more energy for their daily tasks. Once you are seeing good results, you don’t have to come to the clinic very often anymore. In fact, an appointment once a month could be enough to keep your ED at bay.


Who Is This Right for?

Almost everyone who suffers from ED is eligible for IV therapy because it is such a gentle and minimally invasive process. What’s more, it is great for people who don’t want to go through a lengthy recovery process. Unlike surgical intervention, you don’t have to recover for several days or weeks, and you can go straight back to work the day after your treatment.

Before going ahead with the IV, your doctor at the clinic will have a close look at your medical history to make sure there are no health risks. While IV therapy is very safe, we will need to find an alternative for people who are currently suffering from kidney or heart disease.

NADs IV is an exciting new treatment that can successfully reduce or eliminate erectile dysfunction and other sexual health problems, especially when combined with the Peptide PT-141. It rejuvenates the body and reduces inflammation, allowing you to enjoy a much more active sex life. Come to Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL, and we will discuss your options with you and evaluate whether this is the best treatment.

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