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How Does Shockwave Therapy Work?

Shockwave Therapy for Joint and Muscle Pain

Joint and muscle pain are common in the general population. Nearly one in four adults in the U.S. suffers from some kind of joint or muscle pain on a daily basis. 

With nearly 25% of the country’s population dealing with chronic pain, treatment is more important than ever. Shockwave therapy for joint and muscle pain may be the answer you’ve been looking for all along. 

At Orchidia Medical Group, we offer premium shockwave therapy for patients suffering from chronic joint and muscle pain. If you are in or near Naples, FL, and need relief, stop by to learn more about this treatment option.

Why Musculoskeletal Pain Is So Common

Pain in your joints and muscles can be debilitating. In fact, the primary cause of adult disability in hundreds of countries is lower back pain. Why is this such a common problem? 

There are many factors. The average human lifespan has increased over the last few centuries. With improvements in medicine, sanitation practices, and some lifestyle habits, people are living longer than ever before. 

Injuries, autoimmune conditions, and poor lifestyle habits all contribute to musculoskeletal pain. When these issues go untreated, the pain is not likely to resolve on its own. 

Muscle and joint degeneration tend to occur starting in middle age and may worsen with each passing year. With appropriate treatments like shockwave therapy, however, you can get relief. 

Shockwave Therapy for Joint and Muscle Pain

How does shockwave therapy for joint and muscle pain work? The answer is simple: Acoustic waves stimulate your body’s natural healing processes.

During shockwave therapy, we apply acoustic waves to your body using a handheld device in the areas where you experience pain. We use a special gel that transmits these waves effectively and efficiently so you can get relief as soon as possible. 

Shockwave therapy stimulates numerous responses in your tissues. Once the tissues start to respond, they work to resolve your chronic musculoskeletal pain from the inside. 

Here are some of the ways shockwave therapy benefits your body. 

Distributes Pain Mediators 

Pain mediators are special compounds in your body that interfere with pain signals. They help block the discomfort you feel from being processed by your brain. As a result, you feel more comfortable overall. 

Shockwave therapy distributes pain mediators throughout your tissues in the affected areas to combat your joint and muscle pain by stopping it at the source. 

Releases Trigger Points

Trigger points are bundles of muscle fibers that become tight and sensitive over time. When you apply pressure to these points, you likely experience tension release. 

Acoustic wave therapy helps release some of the tension in deep trigger points throughout your muscles. This action promotes better flexibility and mobility. 

Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation is your body’s response to wounds and injuries. The affected areas swell as protective cells get to work trying to heal them. Shockwave therapy is good for reducing inflammation, and in some cases, reversing it entirely. 

When your inflammatory responses are overactive, it can lead to chronic pain and loss of mobility. This is especially true around your joints and muscles. While some anti-inflammatory drugs can help, they do not treat the root of the problem like shockwave therapy does. 

Breaks Down Calcified Tissues

Sometimes, soft tissues in your body accumulate too much calcium and become hard. This scenario can be uncomfortable and result in loss of mobility, stiffness, and physical disability. 

When we apply the acoustic wave device to calcified tissues, the waves break them down so your body can eliminate them. This action can resolve the discomfort and pressure associated with the hardened tissues. 

Stimulates Collagen Production

Collagen is an important fiber that gives your connective tissues flexibility. Without enough collagen, your joints may become stiff, and in extreme cases, immobile. 

Acoustic wave therapy creates small channels of micro-injuries that stimulate your body’s collagen production process. The collagen heals over these small wound channels and adds flexibility, structure, and elasticity to your tissues to improve your mobility and comfort. 

Helps Form New Blood Vessels

You form new blood vessels throughout your life when your body senses a need for improved blood flow. Shockwave therapy assists in angiogenesis, or the creation of blood vessels. This process helps your body deliver more oxygen and nutrients to areas of discomfort and inflammation, which promotes better healing. 

Good Candidates for Shockwave Therapy

If you deal with chronic pain, you are probably eager to start treatments right away. There are numerous qualifying conditions for shockwave therapy, and we can give you individual guidance when you come in for a consultation. 

Shockwave therapy has shown positive outcomes for the following conditions:

If you suffer from any of these conditions, know that you are not alone. We will design a customized treatment plan to address your chronic pain and mobility issues. 

If you’ve been dealing with chronic joint and muscle pain for a while, consider shockwave therapy to help reduce your ongoing discomfort. This treatment could bring you the relief you’ve been looking for. What better way is there to heal than by using your body’s natural processes?

Book a Shockwave Therapy Consultation in Naples, FL

At Orchidia Medical Group, we’re excited to help patients in and around Naples, FL, find relief from musculoskeletal pain. If you are interested in acoustic shockwave therapy and want more information, call or visit us in person. 

Reach out to us online or call us at (239) 330-9855 and book your shockwave therapy consultation with us today.

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