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Benefits of Body Contouring: Get the Figure You Want With Exilis

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At Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL, we understand that good-faith weight loss attempts aren’t always enough to sculpt an ideal body. We also understand that people who are at a healthy body weight for their height often have insecurities and perceived imperfections. That’s why we want you to know more about the body contouring Naples FL power of Exilis.

The Life-Changing Benefits of Body Contouring With the Exilis Device

You Can Sculpt Your Upper Arms

Men and women alike often struggle to remove excess upper arm fat. Women most often develop excess fat deposits here due to pregnancy. Men most often develop fat here due to age. However, everyone’s experience with weight gain is unique, and young men and women can deposit excess fat here, too.

While you may be able to get away with wearing long-sleeved shirts year-round up north, in Naples, it is far too hot to always hide your upper arm fat. Wearing short-sleeved shirts may help a little, but there’s really no effective way to hide upper arm fat. With the Exilis device, you can remove excess upper arm fat and reveal the long, lean triceps buried beneath those fatty tissue deposits.

You Can Remove Excess Fat From Your Underarms

If you feel like you can’t wear a tank top, camisole or halter top because you have to hide your underarm fat, you can benefit from body contouring Naples FL with the Exilis device. While other body sculpting alternatives can’t target small areas of your body, like your underarms, chin, neck, and knees, the Exilis device can handle these small areas with ease.

However, the confidence to wear any type of top isn’t the only advantage of removing excess underarm fat. Men and women alike experience the added bonus of not chafing during those hot summer months. Furthermore, women can enjoy the added bonus of bras, particularly compression bras, being more comfortable when they no longer have significant deposits of excess underarm fat.

Your Jeans Will Fit Better

Yet another compelling benefit of sculpting your dream body with the Exilis device is that your jeans will fit better. While many people think of removing excess fat from the core when thinking about body sculpting, it can also safely and effectively remove excess fat from the inner and outer thighs, knees, and buttocks.

Unfortunately, few people experience fatty tissue deposits evenly throughout the body. It is often the case that fat deposits primarily affect the upper half of the body or the lower half of the body, making it difficult to find dresses or high-waisted jeans that fit comfortably.

Your Happiness Will Improve

One of the most overlooked benefits of sculpting a more attractive body is the improvement in happiness levels. For one thing, it’s fun to be able to walk into any store and fit comfortably into any outfit. Being able to shop without worrying about a waistband digging into your abdomen and causing a muffin top is a great boost to your self-confidence which improves your happiness.

Furthermore, with your newly discovered self-confidence, you can buy a new suit and apply for the job you’ve been looking for for months. Then, you can rock that interview with confidence that can only come with not worrying about how you look. Alternatively, you can confidently ask your supervisor for a raise or promotion, improving the quality of your work life and overall happiness.

You Will Find it Easier to Make Friends

Another often overlooked benefit of body contouring Naples FL with the Exilis device is that you may find making friends easier. This, primarily, comes down to self-confidence. When you feel comfortable in your clothes and your skin, you are more likely to try new things, develop new hobbies, and befriend people who share your new-found interests.

You are also more likely to make friends even when you are not trying. A stranger is more likely to talk to someone at a sushi bar or sports bar who is confident and not worried about how they look. When you are self-conscious, you come across as quiet, shy, and reserved, and people tend to respect that and stay away.

Your Skin Will Be Smooth After Treatment

Other body sculpting treatments result in lumps of frozen fat cells pushing up against your skin resulting in unattractive lumps and grooves. The Exilis device uses radiofrequency energy to warm the fat cells and encourage them to release the stored fat.

However, the benefits of radiofrequency for skin smoothing do not end at the smooth destruction of white fat cells. Due to its ability to stimulate your skin’s collagen production, it can be used to smooth moderate-to-severe wrinkles and even eliminate cellulite. During your initial consultation, we can provide you with a comprehensive explanation of the benefits of collagen stimulation and strengthening. We think you’ll be amazed.

Your Skin Will Be Tight After Treatment

Another benefit of body sculpting with the Exilis device that can’t be ignored is that this treatment tightens the targeted skin as it removes excess fat. This is because the warmth from the treatment encourages your skin to produce stronger, healthier, fresh, new collagen. Collagen is one of the primary structures responsible for keeping your skin tight, smooth and flawless-looking.

Keep in mind, you may feel like your skin is tighter immediately after treatment. It may even be noticeably tighter after your Exilis body sculpting session. However, it can take up to a month for the collagen induction process to finish. Therefore, you can expect your skin quality to improve continuously for several weeks after your treatment session.

This Treatment Can Target Virtually Any Part of Your Body

Yet another incredible benefit of this treatment is that it can be used to target virtually any part of the body. For example, it is often used to target cellulite and excess fat affecting the inner and outer thighs or upper and lower abdomen.

However, as stated previously, it is just as effective at sculpting your upper arms and removing excess fat from under your arms. To determine if a trouble area you have could benefit significantly from treatment with this device, we strongly encourage you to come in for an initial consultation. Our experts will evaluate your skin health and fat deposits to determine the best course of action for you.

You May Only Need One Treatment Session to See Your Desired Results

If your life is hectic and you don’t have a lot of time to take care of yourself, you’re not alone. The “gold standard” in body sculpting is liposuction, a procedure that has been used since the 70s to remove excess fat. However, it only removes between 20 and 25% of fat cells in the treatment area.

This is the same amount of excess fat that the FDA has determined this treatment can remove. In other words, you get the same incredible results as you would get from the gold standard of fat removal. During your initial consultation, we will review the health of your skin and body fat distribution to determine whether you may need one, two, or three treatments to see your ideal results.

You Won’t Have to Schedule Downtime

Another advantage that body sculpting with the Exilis device has over liposuction is that there is absolutely no downtime. After liposuction, there is a one- to two-week extensive recovery process where you can’t do much of anything but walk to your bathroom and back to your recovery room.

Furthermore, recreational activities, such as smoking cigars, drinking alcohol, and lifting weights are restricted for six weeks post-op. After this non-invasive treatment, there are no restrictions on any activities you may enjoy, and you are free to go about your daily routine as you usually would. For example, you are free to drive yourself back to work or school or engage in high-intensity exercises, like HIIT or weight lifting.

You Won’t Feel Any Pain

Another incredible benefit of sculpting your ideal body with this treatment is that you won’t feel any pain during your session. If you opted for liposuction, you would be put under general anesthesia to keep you asleep and “comfortable” during the procedure. Then, you would be given prescription opioids to take away post-operative pain and prescription-strength laxatives to combat the inevitable constipation.

Other body sculpting treatments use laser light energy to destroy excess fat cells. Even when skin burning doesn’t occur, the energy is so intense that a numbing cream has to be applied to the skin to keep the skin “comfortable.” However, this numbing doesn’t always stop the sensation of being snapped by a rubber band several times per second. This treatment provides a gentle warmth that feels akin to a hot stone massage and does not require anesthesia.

You Will See the Results of Treatment Quickly

There are many disadvantages associated with liposuction for fat removal. One of the most significant disadvantages of the fat removal procedure is that it can take between six and 12 months to see the final results of your procedure. This is because the post-op swelling has to subside and the skin has to heal after being cut open.

Since this treatment is non-invasive, it does not cause trauma to the skin. Therefore, your skin does not need to heal for up to a year. Furthermore, since there is no swelling after treatment, you will see the treatment results in real-time as your lymphatic system flushes out the excess fat cells. Depending on the efficiency of your lymphatic system, you can expect to see the final treatment results within one to three months.

Your Results Will Look Completely Natural

Yet another disadvantage of liposuction is that there is no hiding that you have undergone an invasive procedure to sculpt your dream body. The most obvious indicator is that you have to take five to 10 days off from work to recover. Furthermore, the amount of swelling that takes months to subside fully is another tell-tale sign. Even worse, after liposuction, the body is so sore that movement looks difficult and uncomfortable.

Compare this to the body sculpting results following treatment with the Exilis device. It can take between one to three months to see the final results of your treatment. However, the excess fat cells are continuously being flushed out of your body during this time. In other words, it looks like you are slowly but surely losing excess fat from your trouble regions through a little discipline and a lot of good luck. Nobody will know you’ve “had work done.”

Learn More About the Benefits of the Exilis Device Today

The benefits of body contouring Naples FL with the Exilis device are too numerous to list in one article. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of sculpting your ideal body with this device, reach out to our experts now at Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL. We will help you schedule an initial consultation so you can discuss your aesthetic goals and discover even more benefits. See you soon!

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