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A Closer Look at How Long P-Shot® Benefits Last

P-Shot | Orchidia Medical Group

Treatments for male sexual health are not always long-lasting. They often don’t treat the root cause, and they may need to be taken each time you plan on engaging in sexual activity. The P-Shot aims to restore healthy function to the tissues of the penis and may be a more long-lasting option than more traditional treatments.

At Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL, we are invested in male sexual health. We want each of our patients to be able to enjoy health and vitality in their relationships. If you are looking for a non-medicated option, we would love to help you learn more about the P-Shot for men. 

Everything You Need to Know About the P-Shot

What Is the P-Shot?

The Priapus® Shot, or P-Shot, is a specialized treatment rooted in regenerative medicine. Utilizing platelet-rich plasma (PRP) extracted from your own blood, this treatment aims to improve male sexual health. The PRP is injected into designated areas of the penis, with the goal of enhancing blood flow and tissue repair. By using a natural component like PRP, the P-Shot side steps synthetic materials and takes advantage of your body’s innate healing processes.

Why Is the P-Shot So Effective?

The effectiveness of the Priapus Shot treatment can be attributed to its focus on targeted healing. While other treatments for sexual health may offer broad solutions, the P-Shot is designed to address specific issues through localized PRP injections. The highly concentrated platelets in the PRP release growth factors, which help repair damaged tissue and stimulate new cell growth. This results in enhanced erectile function and sensitivity without the need for oral medications or mechanical devices.

What Are P-Shot Treatments Like?

When you decide to go forward with a P-Shot, you can generally expect a straightforward and minimally invasive experience. First, a small sample of your blood is taken from your arm and processed to isolate the PRP. Numbing cream is then applied to the penis to ensure comfort during the injection process. The PRP is carefully injected into specific areas, targeting regions that will benefit most from increased blood flow and tissue regeneration. This can include injections in the shaft of the penis as well as in the head. Injections take just a few minutes, and you can return to your daily activities immediately afterward.

What Are Some of the Benefits of the Priapus Shot?

How Long Do the Benefits of the P-Shot Last?

When it comes to the duration of the benefits of the Priapus Shot treatment, individual experiences can vary. While some men may observe improvements that last for several months, others might find the effects persisting for a year or more. It’s important to consult with us to discuss your particular concerns and what you might expect regarding the longevity of the treatment’s effects.

Factors That Could Affect Duration


As men age, natural changes in physiology can affect how long the benefits of the P-Shot last. Younger men may find that the positive effects are more enduring due to their naturally higher levels of growth factors and faster metabolism. However, older men could still see significant improvements, although they might experience a shorter duration of benefits.

Overall Health

Your general well-being has a direct impact on how long the benefits of a PRP injection might last. Individuals who are in good health and free from chronic medical conditions like diabetes or cardiovascular disease may be more likely to experience longer-lasting results. Poor health can hinder the body’s ability to make the most out of the PRP’s regenerative capabilities.

Lifestyle Choices

Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and a sedentary lifestyle can all reduce the longevity of the PRP shot’s benefits. These lifestyle choices can impede blood flow and reduce overall vitality, which in turn could shorten the duration of the treatment’s effectiveness. A healthier lifestyle could help to extend the benefits you experience from the P-Shot.

Short-Term Results

Soon after receiving the injection of platelet-rich plasma, many men report immediate improvements. These can include heightened sensitivity and stronger erections, even within the first week post-treatment.

Long-Term Results

The P-Shot can also have a longer-lasting impact. Beyond the initial boost in performance and sensitivity, patients frequently observe sustained benefits like more consistent erectile function and ongoing improvements in sexual satisfaction.

Can You Extend the Benefits With Maintenance Sessions?

Yes, you can consider additional treatments as part of a maintenance plan. Many men opt for regular P-Shots to maximize and prolong the advantages, especially when dealing with chronic conditions or more severe erectile dysfunction. Yearly shots are sometimes recommended depending on the patient. 

Improve Your Sexual Health With the P-Shot

At Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL, we want to bring you the latest treatments to help improve your quality of life. If you’re curious about how the P-Shot can work for you or you’re considering maintenance sessions to prolong your results, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. You can also give us a call at (239) 333-8809 or fill out our online form to get the conversation started.

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